
PLATFORM : Political Investment

I started working for the Clinton campaign in August, after I called one of their 800 numbers and they sent a pamphlet called “Plan for a New America.” I read it and thought, “What a great idea!” To repay a college loan, you can do community work for two years, maybe as a teacher or a police officer. So you don’t have to stagnate after graduation. And you get the chance to discover public service.

If that program were here now, I might work as a teacher or social worker. But I’m going to graduate school because, frankly, what else would I do? If I searched really hard, I might find a job as a receptionist. But I want to work for the United Nations or the Organization of American States. With the North American Free Trade Agreement looming, an advanced degree and my background and bilingualism, some doors might open for me.

I have a lot of friends who don’t have the aspiration--or the chance--to continue their education. And even though they were good students, they’re not going to get that accounting or banking job right now. Two years in public service might expand their options.


I’m writing a position paper about NAFTA to simplify the issue for students. We want them to understand it, because we want them to care. Last week, a student said she was voting for Clinton, but the only thing she knew about him is that he’s young. Some people, I guess, take democracy for granted.
