
A look inside Hollywood and the movies : ‘X’ FILE : Those Credits Keep Going and Going and Going and . . .

In the annals of “end crawl” credits, Warner Bros.’ “Malcolm X” may not hold the record at nine minutes, but it may look that way once moviegoers have sat through three hours-plus on the life of the Black Muslim leader. Over 1,200 individuals (including 52 interns) and businesses are listed, and 26 songs are credited.

(We remember when the 300 names over 6 1/2 minutes on “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” seemed long.)

But for anyone interested in “X’s” checkered history, the myriad of “thank yous” offers something of a cryptic synopsis.


Naturally, who got what billing rested in the hands of Spike Lee, who is mentioned six times--twice each as director, producer and co-screenwriter.

A random selection reveals easily a dozen nods to various higher-ups in the Islamic faith and to officials of the Saudi Arabian government who allowed him to film in Mecca, the Muslin holy city. No mention, however, is made of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whom Lee met with before production began on the film, which offers a mixed portrait of the era when Malcolm X rose to prominence. Or of Farrakhan’s followers (the Fruit of Islam), some of whom guarded the “X” set.

Of legal note, there’s a three-line credit listing amateur video cameraman George Holliday for use of his Rodney King footage. Holliday sought a court order to prevent Lee and Warner Bros. from using the footage, but they eventually settled.


Oliver Stone gets thanked. Assassination footage used in “JFK” was used again in “X.”

Lee found himself at odds with New York Mayor David Dinkins when the filmmaker was quoted as advocating that school kids play hooky the day “X” opened in order to see it. (Lee later changed his mind.) But Lee loves New York--his 40 Acres and a Mule production offices are located in Brooklyn--so Dinkins ends up in the “Special Thanks” section.

When the Completion Bond Co. wrested control of “X” away from the director as the movie went over its allotted $30-million budget, Lee sought backing from some wealthy friends.

Under the heading “Thank Allah for . . .” Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Oprah Winfrey, Tracy Chapman, Prince, Janet Jackson and Peggy Cooper-Cafritz. Listed under “Thank Jesus for . . .” are Aretha Franklin and Arrested Development.
