
Legal Limits on Who May Serve You

In response to “O.C. Assemblyman Urges State Senate to Deny Hayden a Seat” (Dec. 2): Clarification of my actions are in order.

While I can understand Senate leader David Roberti’s (D-Van Nuys) hesitation in honoring my request to take action against (Tom) Hayden, his reasoning is severely flawed.

Mr. Roberti’s statement, “It’s absolutely fundamental in our democracy that people have the right to elect whomever they choose to represent them,” while sounding extremely tolerant and downright American, it is not accurate.


People cannot elect whomever they want unless that person is legally and constitutionally qualified to serve. We cannot elect a 12-year-old or a convicted felon to the state Legislature no matter how much we may love them.


Assemblyman, 71st District

