
LOS ANGELES : Northrop Gets $3.8-Million Contract for ‘Stealth’ Bus

In a move that could transform local bus travel while boosting the defense industry, transit officials awarded a $3.8-million contract to Northrop Corp. to design a revolutionary lightweight bus.

The so-called stealth bus is expected to utilize technology and materials developed for high-performance aircraft.

Officials at a board meeting Thursday voted 7 to 1 to select Northrop to design a low-floor, clean air bus.


Experts say the contract could signal a trend as the floundering defense industry searches for a peacetime use of its expertise with composite materials.

The first design and development stages will be funded by a $4-million Federal Transit Authority grant. Over the next four years, the federal government is expected to pay $21.7 million for the project. Utilizing Proposition C funds, the RTD will provide $798,000.
