
One Last Look at the Year Ahead : Global Soothsayers Peer Into 1993

We are always looking to the future; the present does not satisfy us,” wrote the 19th Century American clergyman and author Ezra Hall Gillett.

That may be why there are inveterate readers of the daily horoscope in Los Angeles, regular customers of a chanting shaman in Brazil and enough readers that one French clairvoyant has sold nine books on the future.

They may not always believe the soothsayers, but people from Burbank to Bangkok have enough interest in what the psychics say to mae them a global industry. The forecasters’ techniques vary widely--some consult animal parts instead of palms. The new year is a particularly busy time for them, World Report discovered when it asked several to look into 1993. . .


* Joan Quigley, former astrologer to Nancy Reagan.

For the World

“The Royal Family is going to have even more troubles next year. As I look at the charts, Prince William is very accident-prone and will remain so until 1998. . . . I also want to mention that a book of mine that came out in 1969 said (Prince) Charles would never come to the throne.”

For the United States

“For Bill Clinton, there will be periods of great popularity this year, but we’re by no means out of the woods economically. In early February, due to the deficit and tax proposals . . . the financial markets will be very unsettled for a while. November and December will be very difficult for Clinton. . . . The (West) Coast, and especially Los Angeles, is sort of under a blight. . . . (I see) some sorrowful things happening mid-May to mid-June.”


Japanese psychic Toshiko Shiba, who says her forecasts come from “voices” that she hears and records in calligraphy on long scrolls of white paper, hails from the mountain region of Yamagata.


For the World

“I don’t see many positive things. But there will be a major discovery of some unusual life form on Earth related to citrus fruit. This will be a pleasant discovery. Also, there will be a cure for AIDS. The cure has already been discovered, but it will come out in public in 1993. But also, there will be a new disease to replace AIDS. Nations with kings and major religions will be in danger. . . . There will be chaos in places like Oman and Yemen. They will not be able to deal with differences among religious sects. There will be no peace in the Middle East. . . .”

For the United States

“America is moving into a period of increased black power and racial problems. . . . (Gen.) Colin Powell will be key to solving problems, he must be brought to the fore. He was born with great power. I feel that strongly. His one word has greater power than that of 100 presidents.”

For Japan

“The current government (headed by Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa) won’t last. He will be replaced by a younger person.”



Occultist Fermin Perez, 36, consults various animal parts and herbs to make predictions for the large crowds that frequent his booth in Mexico City’s Sonora Market.

For the World

“In Europe is where the wickedness lies. They are very materialistic with war, etc. However, here in the Americas, we will continue to live with peace, and our young leaders will give us a better life.”

For the United States

” . . . With the new blood (in the White House, the people of the United States) are going to return to times of prosperity, like it was after World War II.”


French clairvoyant Mario de Sabato, 59, has authored nine books predicting the future, including a 1971 American edition titled “He Sees the Future.”

For the World

“I see more setbacks for the European Community. The big surprise will be a breakdown in the commitment of Germany to the EC. . . . There will be a coup d’etat in Moscow and Boris Yeltsin will be replaced. It will be a military coup led by the former Communists.

“There will be wars throughout Europe--in Macedonia, Greece, Albania and Turkey. There will be little border conflicts between Germany and Poland, in the north of Romania with Moldavia (Moldova)--everywhere that in 1945 there were adjusted borders. It will be a different kind of World War III in which America will intervene but not to the same extent. Little wars that last a long time. As soon as one ends another will begin. The wars will begin in 1993 and last for several years. . . .


“The year 1993 will also be the end of the war in Northern Ireland. The British will leave the territory and there will be reunification. The Palestinians will also have their own country and so will the Kurds. In South Africa the situation will become much worse. There will be a civil war and the whites will be forced to leave the country.”

For the United States

“The Clinton government will be a success, and there will be a lot of Republicans who will support it . . . it is going to be a big success. The social problems and problems with minorities are going to get clearly better. America will become bigger, stronger and a lot more prosperous. In 1993, the United States will discover a vaccine for AIDS and a serum to cure those who already have AIDS.”

For France

“In the parliamentary elections, the right wing will come back to government with a resounding majority. The president (Francois Mitterrand, whose official term does not end until 1995) will retire early, citing health reasons. Jacques Chirac, mayor of Paris and twice former prime minister, will be elected president. The presidential mandate will be reduced from seven to five years. . . . France will become a country of asylum for all the refugees of the different wars in Europe.”


Rene Mariano, 44, gained prominence as a “psychic counselor” to Philippine movie stars 21 years ago. He uses ordinary cards and Tarot cards; a crystal ball and numerology to advise clients on their personal and business problems. His predictions for 1993 are based on Tarot cards.

For the World

“A trial period for mankind; a battle between spiritual and materialistic tendencies. This war will be more psychological, spiritual. It is as if all the invisible forces are in turmoil. Loose morality. There will be more of ‘sexual liberation.’ ”

For the United States

“There will be a landmark in the States, like the Statue of Liberty, which will fall down due to some natural cause. There will be a foreign country which will be a big problem for the U.S. And this is Russia. And the problem of the U.S. with the Gulf is not yet over. . . . There is a great sadness awaiting America. I cannot explain this in detail but I feel that this might go beyond 1993. . . . “


For the Philippines

“1993 will be uneventful in the sense that there will be no military rebellion, no killer earthquake or volcanic eruption. It will be quite peaceful but still a suffering period for most Filipinos.”


Canadian Leanne Haze is a professional folk musician and self-described high priestess of a coven, or group of witches. She reads Tarot cards and supplements her consultations with pyrotechnics.

For the World

“There’s a lot more positive energy in the world in 1993 than negative energy. It almost looks like there will be a dissolving of nationalism. I know that sounds bizarre, because that’s not what everybody’s talking about now. But that’s not the vibe I’m getting here at all. We’re definitely moving toward peace and democracy. . . . There are small pockets of dark energy, but I see the opposition as being a very small corner of this whole reading.

“In December, there’s going to be some kind of peace settlement that will cause a global ‘rush.’ People will say, ‘Oh, wow! We never thought those two would chill it out!’ I’m not sure it’s in the Middle East, but it looks like it’s two big countries.”

For the United States

“(The Tarot cards) show a guy who’s a world leader, a major mover, who’s going to have a huge effect. . . . He’s going to be fighting the old guard, traveling a lot, taking a message of empowerment and humanism and the family to the world. It’s not really a religious message, but it’s quite humanist. The funny thing is, he’s a bit of a brick. It’s not coming, really, from his heart. It’s coming from his wife’s heart. . . . She’s hidden, but she’s very influential.”

For Canada

“(Prime Minister Brian) Mulroney will get the boot (in a 1993 election). He goes down defending himself. I definitely see women in power here, too. . . .


“Canada’s Indians aren’t being heard, and they hate being dependent on Canada. . . . There’s going to be more fighting (between Indians and whites), more barricades and more guns.”


Monica Nkomo is a sangoma in Johannesburg who goes into a trance and “throws the bones” to divine her information. She usually deals with individuals’ problems rather than “fortune telling.” But she agreed to try to view the new year.

For the World

“There is a chance of more peace. The wars might stop. If we listen to the ancestors and be together, everything could come right. It is open for this.

“But AIDS is going to spread. It is going to explode. It won’t stop. And a cure will not be found.

“It is difficult to say what is going to happen to the world economy. Some will be able to maintain themselves and some will not be able to. But I see that things might be a little better. . . . “

For the United States

“It is hard for me to see America in the bones. There is going to be more peace. The new President is going to be all right. Everything will be better in America with the new President. . . . There will not be another war like the Gulf War. There might be racial violence but not as bad as this year. America will be better. The bones believe that everyone is equal. If the people give the new President enough support, then he will be able to make America better.”


For South Africa

“Sheeeeeaaah! Here in South Africa I think it will be bad because of the jobs. In this world, people are suffering. Everyone wants to take and no one wants to give. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs, and that is going to bring more suffering.

“If they don’t talk and stop all this violence, there will not be peace. The government must stop the violence. But nobody wants to listen to anyone else. If they can talk, then things could come right. But I still see the one pulling to this side and the other to that side. . . .

“I do not see a new government for South Africa next year. It is hard. Maybe in three years’ time there will be a new government. . . . But I see many more people dying. . . .

“It is raining and there will be more rain. The drought will be broken and that will bring hope.”


Marjorie Orr is the chief astrologer for London’s Daily Express newspaper. Her book “Star Quality,” containing profiles of show business personalities, world leaders and British royals, will be published in the United States this month. .

For the World

“Boris Yeltsin’s health is problematic from January onwards, and he is unlikely to survive as head of Russia much longer. The health of the country is a major worry with food shortages and starvation creating worse tensions than ever. The people could revolt on the streets. A more conservative-reactionary government will take over.”


For the United States

“If the big California quake is going to happen this year, it will come early, perhaps even in January. Bill Clinton’s honeymoon will not last to the end of February. He hits reality with a bump then. His political strategy will be to act tough in year one and then be extremely generous in year two. His Reaganesque overoptimism will cause havoc in 1994 and run up the budget deficit again.”

For Britain

“The British chart indicates shocking, startling changes in the Royal Family--they will have a worse year than in 1992. At the very least a divorce is in the cards for Charles and Diana with perhaps Charles stepping aside in favor of William, who looks to be ascending the throne at a very young age.”


Brazilian Jair de Ogum, 48, is a babalorixa or shaman, of the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomble. With sundry incantations, he shakes and throws a handful of small seashells called buzos , then reads the future in them.

For the World

“The world will see kidnapings of very influential persons in the political world, in the artistic world, in the sports world, in the business world.”

For the United States

“There will be moments when the people who elected (Clinton) go to the streets to complain about inflation, about certain attitudes. It says here that basic products in the United States such as food will have big price increases. It says the stock market will have two crashes.”

For Brazil

“It says here that Brazil also is heading for big conflicts. Brazil will be seen in 1993 as a country of aggressiveness, violence, kidnapings.”



Denis Ibsen Chong, 55, a native of Shanghai, has lived in Hong Kong since 1962. He bases his predictions on fung shui, a form of divination based on random lines or figures, such as those formed when a handful of earth is thrown on the ground.

For the United States

“Bill Clinton . . . was born on a very special day, which we call the day of the ‘golden angels.’ Therefore, he has a very good fortune. Clinton’s principal element is wood. It is strong like a small forest in a park with two suns shining down on the trees. The two suns give him great strength. His fortune resembles a burning torch like the one seen on the Statue of Liberty, which means he has a lot of energy to give him strength.”

For Hong Kong

“In the first and second quarter of the year, Governor (Chris) Patten will face some challenges, and his brilliance, like the sun and the twinkling stars, will be surrounded by clouds. Although Mr. Patten will feel less powerful, the clouds will not diminish his brilliance. . . . In 1993, China will continue to shout at Patten. But China will shout without really doing anything to Patten and Hong Kong. Nothing China can do will harm Patten’s proposals.”


Wisara Pranomkorn, 52, numerologist and palm reader, sees up to 20 clients a day at her Bangkok office, charging them $20 each for a 10-minute consultation.

For the World

“In 1993, Burma (Myanmar) and China will change from communism to democracy. Beginning in June, things will get better for these two countries. In 1994, there will be another Gulf War. . . . “

For the United States

“The Administration will have a lot of problems and things might not go as expected. Clinton will have to change his original plans. The situation may result in a national crisis. Clinton will suffer the most attacks in January. It will be a most horrible month for him. He will be very discouraged during his first 100 days in office. . . . But things will be better in June and July.”



Binyamin Ricardo, 58, is a cabalist, astrologer and lecturer at the Research Center of Cabala in Tel Aviv. His view of 1993:

For the World

“We are talking about a cosmic situation globally, and the code name is ‘change.’ A big change. By hook or by crook. There is no other way. We are talking about inner change. The ‘I,’ the small ego, has no room in the world any longer, whether it is personal, national or international. . . . There is a general rule in the cabala that the Malchut (material manifestation of the metaphysical) will never disappear. In this case, it is the planet Earth. There will not be a war, no total destruction. There will be many problems, but no general war. . . .”

For the United States

“There will be a big fall in the United States. All the banks will go bankrupt. . . . The American economy has lost its influence. It will no longer be the driving force in the world.”


Alaa Sabbahy, Egyptian palm reader, is the author of two popular books on the art of seeing the future. He consulted stones from the Nile for this prediction.

For the World

“Under Egyptian, Arab and American pressure, an agreement will be signed for Israeli withdrawal from most (but not all) parts of the Golan Heights in an agreement resembling Camp David. . . . By the end of ‘93, there will develop a national consensus in the former Soviet Union to demand a return to political and economic unity, but with no results. Japan and China will draw near to each other, and this will cause some worry for America and the European group.”


Pavel P. Globa, Russia’s best-known astrologer, makes predictions by observing movement of the sun, moon, Earth and other planets. He lives in St. Petersburg.


For the World

“In one of the Oriental countries a young man will come to power who may unite the Arab world. He will be secretly armed by a distant country, the coasts of which are being washed by oceans and seas--apparently it is Japan. . . .”

For the United States

“There will be some new taxes introduced in the United States in April and the people will protest it. The secretary of the Treasury will resign. That will cause will cause a storm of indignation and the President will have to replace other members of the Cabinet.”

For Russia

“Yeltsin will remain in place (but) his struggle with the Parliament will intensify. . . . As for the Speaker of Parliament, he is likely to fall on evil days. The new prime minister’s career will end somewhere about August. . . . The threat (of a coup) will become graver in the fall of 1993 because this is the year of a black rooster, which repeats every 60 years, signifying the utmost instability. The analogous example is Germany in 1933.”


Astrologer Raymond Debroux lives in Brussels.

For the World

“We’ll enter a phase of violence and aggression: There will be warlike actions in the world. U.N. troops will have to be everywhere. Phenomena like Yugoslavia could emerge in South Africa, Israel, Iraq, Algeria, etc.”

For the United States

“Clinton can’t imagine how important international affairs will be. There are nine chances out of 10 that the United States or the United Nations will have to intervene during the next year (in Yugoslavia or someplace like it).”


Li Yuan, 21, predicts the future for a magazine in the western China city of Xian.

For the World

“From April to July of 1993, an unusually large amount of ice will melt from the Arctic icecap. From May to August, the price of beer, wine and liquor (globally) will go up 5.8%.”


For the United States

(After looking at President-elect Bill Clinton’s photo in a magazine). “He will have indigestion. He will have mild gastritis in the middle area of his stomach. He’ll feel uncomfortable after eating greasy foods. He’ll often feel lower-back pain. He should take care not to develop skin rashes from too much nervous tension.”


Maria Virchow, 42, a Berlin astrologer, says she has had her fortune-telling abilities since childhood and has been making public predictions since 1978.

For the World

“Iran will secretly acquire nuclear weapons in 1993, and considerable diplomatic finesse will be needed to get this danger under control. Poland will enjoy a moderate economic recovery and will seek EC membership. At the beginning of 1993, Russia is a divided country, burdened by many internal conflicts and quarrels, but in the course of the year these will subside and clear political direction will emerge. The active movement for greater democracy in China will achieve little in 1993, with all of its activities nipped in the bud through the use of violence.”

For the United States

“The next President, Bill Clinton, . . . wants--and will--find his place in history with his achievements. . . . But it will not be until the third year of his term of office that there will be notable successes. America’s upper class won’t go along with his plans to improve the social conditions in the country, and they will put many obstacles in his path.”

For Germany

“Violent attacks against foreigners and asylum seekers will increase seriously throughout the country. The police will have serious problems controlling the situation.”


U.S. astrologer Sydney Omarr’s horoscope column is syndicated to about 250 newspapers.

For the World

“It will become crystal clear that Russia is not benign. It has been lying about destroying all the weapons it promised to . . . (and) the Russian leadership, with or without Yeltsin, will become very strong and egotistical and will demand to be considered completely equal to the U.S. . . . (Also,) secret negotiations will be exposed that involve an alliance between Russia and China. An insult or attack on one means the other will also be offended and respond accordingly.”


For the United States

“The next year won’t be such a happy time for Clinton, who is a Leo. . . . It will also be shown that Socks, the White House cat, is a Pisces and is really frightened of the President.”


Italian astrologer Antonia Bonomi.

For the World

“1993 opens with heavyweights in the balance. The card of the heavens in the new year sees Mars in the tenth field. The outlook created by this planet is one of portents of great discussions, much talk--mostly lies--arrogant actions, aggressiveness which increases where tensions already exist and tense situations which explode when least expected. . . .

“Basing my predictions on the birth signs of (Russian President, Boris) Yeltsin, I can only advise him to find himself a God and to start praying to him at once, and as hard as he can. In the second half of the year, a resounding return of (Mikhail S.) Gorbachev to the international stage is a possibility, and he could take in hand again the destiny of Russia,or whatever they decide to call it.”

For the United States

“The first six months see (President-elect Clinton) at the center of world situations which are extremely tense and which could force him to concern himself more with his own country than the rest of the world. Saturn in the seventh house shows that external conflicts will delay solution of internal financial problems, exacerbating national discontent and racial problems. Saturn also points to family problems. Relations with his wife could suffer, even if he doesn’t seem the type who takes personal problems to work with him.”


Tarot card reader Marco Faramelli gave his predictions in Rome.

For the World

“There will be a moment of great tension and risk (in talks between Israel and the Palestinians). However, if both sides keep their nerve there will be the possibility of peace.

“There will be elections in South Africa, but they will lead to big trouble--it will be as if Pandora’s box had been opened. The elections will be the harbinger of major disputes between all the ethnic groups in the country. . . . The cards say that though the situation will look better on paper than it did in 1992, it will be worse in practice. . . .


“(For Somalia) card number nine means renewal, wisdom, prudence. I foresee that in Somalia the U.N. will do things respectfully and competently. . . . The country will be able to start living again. The card also means calm, slowness, thus that things will slowly begin to improve there.”

For the United States

(Based on the Tarot card symbolizing the emperor): “The emperor is extremely combative. He signifies great stability and great competitiveness. The card recalls the Olympian deity Zeus. I foresee an accentuation of America’s economic supremacy over Japan and Europe. . . . I foresee a strengthening of the American presence throughout the globe.”


Kengkard Jongjaiprah, 55, is a Thai businessman who began studying astrology more than 30 years ago and who now gives advice in his spare time, without charge. He uses a computer to store records of natural disasters, star movements, etc.

For the World

“There will be no world war. The situation in Russia will improve. Eastern Europe will be better by the end of the year. There will be earthquakes in Germany, South America, Japan and Korea. In Asia the natural disasters will be in October. There will be sea accidents in the Atlantic and Indian oceans.”

For the United States

“The country will suffer a drought August through October. And from October 1-15 there will be earthquakes in the southern part of the United States.”

For Thailand

“The first three months there will be a lot of conflicts in the government. May through June, there will be chaos in the stock market . . . There will not be another coup d’etat until 1998.”



Youssef Abagui is a Cairo anthropologist, artist and mystic.

For the World

“I see the future through colors, and next year’s colors are yellow and black. . . . I see black and yellow, grayed yellow, dirty yellow. A year that is very sharp, with many awakenings, many, many awakenings. People are going to start realizing things. Fundamental truth will surface. Old habits will be broken, new stages will open, and we will see a continuation of the downfall of capitalism.”

The Staff for ‘Global Soothsayers’

Interviews were prepared by the following Times staff writers, stringers and bureau assistants:

Aly Assem in Cairo, Dolly Amor in Manila, Sarah Bernard in Mexico City, Dianna M. Cahn in Jerusalem, Christine Courtney in Hong Kong, Joel Havemann in Brussels, David Holley in Beijing, Leslie Helm in Tokyo, Jaine Roberts in Johannesburg, Alexei Kuznetsov in Moscow, Elizabeth Lu in Bangkok, William R. Long in Rio de Janeiro, Tyler Marshall in Berlin, Fleur Melville in London, Roy Rivenburg in Los Angeles, Janet Stobart in Rome, Rone Tempest and Sarah White in Paris, and Mary Williams Walsh in Toronto.
