
Yea, Movie Makers!

I was born in Los Angeles 60 years ago, and some of my earliest memories are of rounding a corner in my dad’s car and having him say, “Look over there, they’re making a movie.” We lived near MGM and knew people who worked there who, like everyone else, were just trying to make a living and were certainly not officious and arrogant.

I don’t know why people like letter writer Roy Roudine (“Bah, Movie Makers!,” Jan. 2) are so hostile to Hollywood. Probably envy, but it’s a sure thing he’s had to be inconvenienced for any number of others working in the streets, to detour and wait for a funeral procession, an auto accident, flooding, traffic after a baseball game--it’s life in the big city, for goodness’ sakes.

With all the jobs being lost here from closing aircraft and auto plants and everything else, I’m glad to see people working, even if I have to be a little inconvenienced. The money these people make goes into the local economy and into my purse--and Roudine’s pocket as well.


Yes, it would help if “Sorry for the Inconvenience” signs were posted, but please don’t chase these crews out--it’s to all our financial benefit to have them here.

My life doesn’t seem to be as important as Roudine’s. I usually manage to have time to accommodate others. Roudine would be less angry if he learned to do the same--it’s called growing up.

LORI WEISS, Los Angeles
