
Critique of Bolsa Chica Wetlands Stand by Surfers Sparks Return Fire

The Surfrider Foundation is an environmental organization dedicated to the protection of the coastal environment, as stated in its mission statement.

And yes, the surfers are fighting for the protection of the waves. Waves, an integral part of coastal dynamics, are threatened by pollution, overdevelopment and urban encroachment. Calling surfers, especially those who volunteer hundreds of hours to protect and enhance their local communities, “selfish” is irresponsible.

Although the surfers were definitely the most visible “paddle-out” participants, do not forget the families, bird-watchers, beach-goers and many Bolsa Chica area residents who instinctively know smaller jetties and fewer homes built so close to a fragile coastal environment is better stewardship of the wetlands, not to mention more economically feasible than building revetments and dredging sand to replace lost beaches.


If fish and wildlife could scream, the Koll Co. would need earplugs.


Development Director, Surfrider Foundation
