
Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. Weeks...

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. Weeks (Studio) (National) (National) Released 1. Alive (3) $108,042 16 / $6,752 2 (Buena Vista) ($5.9 million) (1,235 / $4,785) 2. Scent of a Woman (4) $84,841 14 / $6,060 5 (Universal) ($4.7 million) (1,244 / $3,815) 3. Used People (5) $77,183 14 / $5,513 6 (Fox ) ($4.3 million) (876 / $5,002) 4. A Few Good Men (2) $72,659 19 / $3,824 7 (Columbia ) ($6.1 million) (2,100 / $2,917) 5. Aladdin (1) $68,711 16 / $4,294 11 (Buena Vista) ($7.4 million) (2,289 / $3,250)

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exhibitor Relations Co.
