
LOS ANGELES : Deputy Challenges Hahn for City Attorney Post

The only candidate to challenge James K. Hahn as city attorney is a deputy city attorney who charges that his boss is the “ultimate insider” who protects the political Establishment.

Michael Guarino, 44, kicked off his race Thursday against Hahn, who is seeking a third term. Guarino said Hahn’s record showed a “dearth of criminal prosecutions” of wage, worker safety, clean air and political reform laws.

“Is Hahn afraid to prosecute downtown interests and powerful political figures?” Guarino said, citing a 1989 decision not to file charges against Mayor Tom Bradley for helping a bank that paid him consultant fees to acquire city deposits. “The answer is obvious.”


Hahn, at an unrelated news conference, said that “based on my record, the voters will reelect me.”
