
Public Slurs Hurt All

As public employees, we have a responsibility to serve the public trust. This trust involves all the public, all races, creeds and genders. Everyone deserves respect and honesty. We expect all representatives of local government to hold the same respect for all people. We, as employees and citizens, are proud of the employees and representatives of the city of Burbank.

When a public official utters an ethnic slur from the podium, everyone suffers.

When a public official denies his act and blames an innocent party, everyone suffers.

When a public official refuses to apologize to all residents of Burbank, everyone suffers.

When Gus Corona spoke out against prejudice, he spoke as a son, a husband, a father, a public employee, a citizen, a union brother and a friend.

When Ron Shively used the term wetback, we hope he represented only himself and that he stands alone.


We, the undersigned members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 18 Unit 50, representing the electrical workers of the City of Burbank, speak out to support Gus Corona. Burbank deserves no less.


Vice Chairman


Past Chairman

The letter was also signed by 58 other members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 18 Unit 50.
