
Malibou Land Curbs Onerous

Thanks to Josh Meyer for his objective reporting on the recent Malibou Lakeside building restrictions (“Malibou Lake Building Restrictions Approved,” Times Valley Edition, Jan. 29).

However, it should be made clear that non-residents own far fewer vacant parcels than do current homeowners. A recent title company report indicates that there are only 45 absentee owners of 106 vacant parcels, and the remainder of the 247 vacant lots belong to the owners of existing homes.

The U. S. Supreme Court stated recently in the Lucas decision that no governmental body can impose regulations that render property valueless--regardless of the reason for that regulation--without compensating the owner. The restrictions imposed at Malibou Lakeside are excessively onerous and render all but a few lots worthless.


Since this over-regulation clearly constitutes a “taking” of property under the law, non-resident owners of vacant land anticipate that the county intends to open its coffers and pay them their pro rata share of the $20 million that the assessor’s office reportedly estimated as the value of vacant land in this area.

In view of the tenuous fiscal condition of the county at this time, we hope to receive this in certified funds.


Los Angeles
