
McKeon Woes Too Partisan

Buck McKeon seemed to be particularly impressed with what he perceived to be the high level of partisanship of congressional Democrats.

He related how, on his committee in Washington, they were discussing the family leave bill. The Republicans offered what McKeon felt were good amendments. When the vote came, the Democrats voted no, the Republicans yes.

Unfortunately, the specific amendments were not detailed in the article, so I’m unable to make my own decision. What I was able to decide, though, was that McKeon is as guilty of the “sin of excessive partisanship” as those he accuses.


If McKeon wants to be a Congress member of quality, he might keep in mind that he was elected to represent all the residents of this area. That means Republicans, Democrats or whatever. But most importantly, McKeon should stop blaming his own high level of partisanship on his peers in Washington.


