
STUDIO CITY : Love and Fame? This Star Is One Lucky Dog

One day, the unclaimed 6-month-old puppy was about to be destroyed by the animal shelter. The next, she was on her way to becoming a star in the year’s hottest movie.

It sounds like something straight out of Hollywood and it was--thanks to animal trainer Kathryn Segura.

The Studio City resident was hired to supply and train animals for “Indecent Proposal,” shot last year at Paramount Studios. After she came up with a Scottish terrier and a chocolate Labrador for a key scene between Demi Moore and Robert Redford, director Adrian Lyne decided to add something to the script--a dog for Woody Harrelson’s character.


The casting sessions were tough. Several dogs Segura found at the Burbank Animal Shelter were turned down by Lyne but were adopted by crew members. Another was claimed before Segura could pick it up. Then she saw Chloe, a white Labrador-English setter mix which had not been adopted and appeared headed for euthanasia. It was love at sight for all concerned.

“She absolutely fell in love with Adrian Lyne,” Segura said. “As soon as he would say ‘cut,’ Chloe would rush up and kiss him. Adrian adored her, too.”

Segura comes by her profession naturally--her mother bred and trained golden retrievers and her father taught riding and is considered an outstanding animal artist. She began showing dogs when she was 12 and as a teen-ager trained a dog for the soap opera “Return to Peyton Place,” written by her mother’s friend.


“Kathryn has incredible affinity with dogs,” said George Manasse, unit production manager on “Indecent Proposal.” “She always had Chloe with her. I’ve never seen anybody as attached to animals.”

Segura’s other movie credits include “The Addams Family,” for which she provided fish. She has also worked with several companies on TV commercials, supplying AT&T; with llamas, Albertsons with a parakeet, Roundtable Pizza with a rabbit and Chili’s restaurants with a turkey.

But her work with Chloe is definitely a high point. “I thank Adrian Lyne every day for Chloe because I would never have her unless he sent me to the shelter,” she said. “She’s the greatest dog in the world.”
