
Yosemite Ave. Traffic Concerns Legitimate

* This is in response to a letter to the editor (Aug. 31) from Rick Green, regarding the concern that Simi Valley residents have about traffic safety problems of the Simi Valley Freeway and Yosemite Avenue.

Calling us “morons” and telling us to “get a life” will not solve the problem at this intersection. The traffic safety problems include fast downhill traffic coming around a blind curve, a shorter than normal left-hand turn lane, insufficient distance between the freeway exit and the left-hand turn lane and the lack of a traffic light at this busy intersection.

When the McDonald’s project came before the Planning Commission, residents voiced concerns about traffic safety and the problems of slow-moving, big-rig trucks. The McDonald’s representatives and the city traffic engineer assured the residents that their concerns were unfounded because trucks are prohibited from Yosemite unless they are making deliveries, there would be no parking on Yosemite and there would be no allotted parking spaces at McDonald’s for trucks. End of problem.


Now that the McDonald’s has been open for several months, the traffic safety problems we predicted have come true. The Simi Valley Police Department, city staff and even the mayor have all agreed that there have been numerous accidents and near-misses and that there is a problem with big-rig trucks exiting at Yosemite and illegally parking.

Yes, “truckers are people too,” as Mr. Green pointed out. And as people, they should abide by the law which includes not using Yosemite unless they are making a delivery, not illegally parking on Yosemite, not causing a safety hazard for patronizing McDonald’s and not illegally and dangerously parking on the freeway on-ramp to go get a burger.


Simi Valley
