
OXNARD : Condom Dispenser Stolen From College

While college district officials debate whether to continue dispensing condoms on campus, a condom machine has been stolen from a restroom at Oxnard College.

College officials say the machine has been missing since Sept. 1 from the men’s restroom at Oxnard College’s Learning Resource Center. There, where a condom-dispensing machine once hung, now only nail holes remain in the wall. The machine in the women’s restroom remains, they say.

A task force of the Ventura County Community College District is working on proposed new guidelines on acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Colleges now dispense condoms from machines in restrooms, but that could change under the guidelines, which are scheduled to be presented at the district trustees’ October meeting.


College officials say they will not replace the missing dispenser until after the new guidelines are established.

“At this point, I don’t know what the decision of the task force committee or the district board will be, so it’s prudent to wait,” said Merri Ann Harbert, the college’s student activities specialist and a member of the task force.
