
Cockburn on Mideast

* David Lehrer (letters, Sept. 10) berates Alexander Cockburn merely for suffering a different taste when labeling the obvious.

If the recent Middle East peace accord isn’t “a wretched thing,” as Cockburn calls it, then how should it be tagged? As a lark, maybe? A grave mistake? Is the Rabin/Peres/Arafat deal worth “marveling” over as the “sane and sober” Lehrer claims? Is it truly “wondrous,” “blessed,” “incredible” and all the other windy notions so many (already) have written and spoken of?

Not everyone feels as though a great burden has been lifted in Palestine with this week’s historic signing. Cockburn, like a “fugitive from the victor’s camp,” (something George Orwell was once called) is one such grouch. He uses the sourness Lehrer scoffs at to offset the sweet smell of what might be a premature celebration.



