
An Exercise in Fair Play : More than 2,000 park users petitioned the city to build a new jogging track at Van Nuys-Sherman Oaks Park. And other park improvements are in the works.


For several weeks now, a tempest in a teapot has been brewing over the city’s plan to build a new jogging track at Van Nuys-Sherman Oaks Park.

A great deal has been said about the proposed track. I’d like to set the record straight.

The new track, which will serve runners, walkers and other exercise enthusiasts, will be a tremendous asset for our community, providing added utilization of one of the San Fernando Valley’s great recreation facilities.

The city’s policy rightly provides that our parks are available to a wide variety of recreational users. We have every sport imaginable and programs for all age groups. Perhaps most important of all, we have precious open space.


Unfortunately, parkland is limited. The various recreational activities must compete with each other for available space. It’s the job of city officials, like myself, to act as “referee” among competing park interests and ensure fair play for everyone. No one sport or organization should dominate the park.

This sound policy has guided the city’s decision to build the track.

Currently there is no track at the park. There is a service road of approximately one-half mile, which joggers share with Recreation and Parks vehicles.

While this road is used as a track, it is not maintained or dedicated as such. As a result, a few years ago, I was presented with a petition containing more than 2,000 signatures from park users who wanted a real running track at their park. The new track is the result of that massive community input.



The city has solicited and received a considerable amount of input on this project. I and my staff have personally met with youth soccer officials to address their concerns, and we have successfully resolved them. Little League organizers have had their concerns similarly allayed. My office has gone to great lengths to guarantee that the new jogging path will enhance the park, not detract from it. I believe without question that we have achieved this goal.

Here are some facts about the new jogging path:

* The existing maintenance road/running track will remain exactly as is. The new track will extend from the existing one and follow around the perimeter of the park. The new and old tracks combined will be about 1 2/3 miles long.

* The contract to build the track will be awarded by competitive bid. Bids were opened the week before last, and the low bid came in at $241,000--11% less than the estimate.


* Funding to construct the track will come from fees paid by residential developers.

These “Quimby Funds,” as they are known, must be spent within a certain radius of the new homes, and they can be spent only to buy parklands or build park improvements. They cannot be spent to hire park personnel or address other city budget needs.

* The track will have no impact on baseball, basketball, soccer, senior recreation, swimming or any other use of the park.

* No dedicated parking spaces will be removed.

* This is not the only capital improvement project at Van Nuys-Sherman Oaks Park. Within the past two years, we have completed a major irrigation and re-landscaping project and upgraded electrical systems at the park. More than $2.5 million in Quimby and Proposition A park bonds, which were approved by the voters last November, will be spent soon to enclose and improve the pool so it can be used year-round.

Improvements to the community building will be made as well. Other improvements have been considered but are not feasible: For example, lighting at the park cannot be much improved because the lights would intrude upon the private homes which abut it on several sides.


In short, there’s room at this park for all of us. Joggers and walkers will be able to utilize a brand-new track, properly graded and maintained, without traffic hazards or stops. This will be a tremendous addition that will be used by thousands of local residents without taking anything away from anyone.

That’s what our parks are all about: providing the widest possible variety of recreational opportunities for our community to enjoy.
