
Library Hours May Be Expanded

A possible expansion of Moorpark Library hours beyond the current 20-hours-per-week schedule will be discussed when the Moorpark City Council meets Wednesday.

Council members expressed displeasure last summer when budget cuts forced the county to scale back library operation from 51 hours weekly to the current schedule.

Since then, a council subcommittee made up of Mayor Paul Lawrason and Councilman Scott Montgomery has discussed a variety of options that could bolster library service--including taking control of the facility from the county.


Councilman John Wozniak said Friday that while he does not support that option, he welcomes a discussion of other alternatives.

“I think we need to look at all the different avenues,” he said. “Not only do we need to expand the hours, we also need to extend the conversation a little further and find out how we can upgrade this library.”

Wozniak said the current library hours, from 3 to 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, do not give residents--particularly students--enough opportunity to use the facility.


“My son, being in high school, needs to be able to use the library and it’s frustrating as hell,” Wozniak said. “It’s not convenient for the kids, except for the two nights when they’re open later. Except for that, kids don’t have the opportunity to use it.”

The council will discuss the matter at its meeting beginning at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 799 Moorpark Ave.
