
Fantasy Trip Into the Reel West

Six-gun packin’ pardners will kick up some dust in Norco at Colt’s 13th annual End of Trail Cowboy Shoot Out and Encampment. The Cowboy Renaissance Fair and Shooting Competition takes place Thursday through Sunday at Raahauge’s Ranch, where shooters from around the world will dress in Western duds to compete in scenarios based on events from history, Western movies and TV shows.

Roy Rogers Jr. and the Highriders will perform Friday-Saturday, and there’s a passel of events for spectators:

* Trick ropers, stunt shows;

* Horse-and-rider events, including team penning, barrel racing and cutting;

* A Wild West show and Pony Express relay;

* Historical seminars, costume contests, cowboy poetry readings, cavalry encampment, chuck wagon cooking contest;


* Vendor booths where you can purchase a cowboy hat, leather goods and other Western merchandise.

Also, Lone Ranger Clayton Moore will be honored at a Western Film Festival, noon Friday.

Spectators $7; children under 13 free. Hours: Thursday noon-8 p.m.; Friday-Saturday 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Proceeds benefit Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Prado Dam Recreation Area, Main Street to River Road, follow the signs. (714) 991-7277.
