
Gun Control Laws Only Victimize the Innocent

The story “Slain Rescuer Was North Hills Man” (April 12) might well have been “North Hills Man Rescues Woman and Slays Attacker” had kind and generous Jose Felix Garcia Mercado been able to exercise the right to bear arms as granted by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. He might very well be alive today, and The Times could report one bad guy eliminated while two good people survived.

Conversely, the story “Teen-Age Intruder Under Influence of LSD Shot to Death by Homeowner” might well have been “Homeowner, Wife and 6-Month-Old Daughter Slain by LSD-Crazed Teen-Age Intruder.” That could have happened if Keith Wood not been able to protect his family because the Los Angeles Times and anti-gun politicians had been successful in infringing on his right to bear arms.

I am a law-abiding, taxpaying citizen who honorably served my country. I have safely owned and handled firearms for 50 years, and I feel safe and secure as long as I have my Second Amendment right. Gun control laws have not and will not stop the criminal element from obtaining guns. These laws only make it easier to victimize the innocent.



Valley Village
