
WESTMINSTER : Free Pumpkin Seeds Available for Contest

Free pumpkin seeds are available to residents who want to enter the city’s annual Giant Pumpkin festival in October.

The Westminster Historical Society is distributing the seeds to anyone wishing to plant pumpkins for the competition. The seeds are available at the Westminster Museum, 8612 Westminster Blvd.; the Westminster Library, 8180 13th St., and the Community Services Building, 8200 Westminster Blvd.

Cash prizes will be awarded for the largest pumpkins during the festival, which will be held Oct. 16 at Blakey Historical Park, 8612 Westminster Blvd.


The historical society started the pumpkin festival in 1980 to remind residents of the city’s agricultural past. As late as the 1950s, the city was noted for its dairy farms and bean fields.

Joyce McFadden, who is coordinating the festival for the historical society, said that a variety of events are being scheduled, including food booths, a display of antique cars and tractors, and a cooking contest. Volunteers are needed to help plan and hold the event.

For more information, call (714) 898-6112.
