

More power to William Hurt for standing up to Hollywood and the bozos that run it. Thank goodness there are a few actors left who are still willing to take risks and who see acting as an art not a commodity.

“Art, Commerce and Hurt,” by Bronwen Hruska (Aug. 28), is one of the most inspirational, honest and retrospective interviews Calendar has ever produced. Hurt is still one of the finest, most provocative actors (not personalities) there is today despite Hollywood’s banishment. Director Heywood Gould hits the nail on the head when he says, “Bill has something intangible. That’s why you ask Bill Hurt to be in your movie.”

Here’s hoping to working with you one day, Bill!


Santa Monica


Hooray for William Hurt. He dares to use that dreaded word art when referring to his profession and his passion--acting. How dare The Times even question his choice to act in small films that are “far from the blockbusters he so badly needs to catapult him back to his mid-’80s glory”?


Hollywood is filled to the brim with people who are obsessed with the business end of filmmaking and all the hype that goes with it. Please leave the few brave ones alone, the few artists that still remain.

If more actors were like Hurt and turned down the dreck they were offered, then maybe we’d have films coming out of Hollywood that were good, artistic and made a profit. Well, I can dream, can’t I?


Los Angeles
