

Spotlight on achievers

Tim Moy and Jerry Larson

Sheriff’s deputies assigned to the San Juan Capistrano Special Enforcement Team

The two deputies recently received service awards. They are credited with making nearly 900 arrests during the fiscal year that ended June 30.

Moy and Larson were both assigned to San Juan Capistrano in 1989. They were chosen for the city’s Special Enforcement Team when it was created in 1993.


Kenneth Inouye

Laguna Hills resident

Inouye has been elected chairman of the Orange County Human Relations Commission. He is a certified public accountant who has served on the commission for three years. Inouye has also been vice president of the Japanese American Assn. and district president of the Japanese American Citizens League.


While on the commission, Inouye has been active in the Hate Crime Network and the School Interethnic Relations Program. The county Board of Supervisors created the commission in 1971 to combat intolerance.


Laurel Gorman

Mission Viejo High School graduate

Gorman, who is in her first year of studies at Brown University, recently won first place and a $10,000 savings bond in the National Management Assn. American Enterprise speech contest in Orlando, Fla. She entered the National History Day Competition.

Gorman was sponsored by the Unisys Chapter of the National Management Assn., a nonprofit, nonpolitical education society that represents business, industry, government and service organizations.


Laurann Cook

Fountain Valley councilwoman

Cook has been appointed as the city representative alternative on the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors. By joining the OCTA board, Cook will help shape policy for the nation’s 10th-largest special district transportation agency.

She will serve and vote in place of any one of the six board members who is absent or required to abstain.

Cook was chosen for the alternate position by the Orange County City Selection Committee, comprising the county’s 31 mayors.



Larry Overman

UC Irvine distinguished professor of chemistry

Overman was named the 1995 recipient of the American Chemical Society’s Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. The award, sponsored by the Aldrich Chemical Co., recognizes Overman’s research in chemically duplicating natural substances.

He has completed the syntheses of more than 20 pharmacological chemicals found in nature. In recent research, Overman synthesized chemicals similar to traditional medicinal plants used in Paraguay that have the potential for treating ulcers and other digestive disorders.

