
Adoption Problems

As an adoptive parent of two children, Rep. Robert Dornan’s tax break for adoptions is a welcome suggestion. However, I do take exception to his statement, “If every pregnant mother carried her child to term, there’s a loving, waiting couple there to nurture that child.”

Adoption is not for everyone. Not every family can live with the scant medical backgrounds given them, withstand the scrutiny by adoption agencies or social workers or the knowledge that their children have birth parents somewhere that might eventually want to meet them.

The (abortion foes), as well as Rep. Dornan, are under the impression that the desire for a family is so strong that every child is adoptable. This is not the case. There is fierce competition for healthy white children. Historically, there have not been enough minority families involved in the adoption process. Some ethnic groups strongly discourage adoption for various reasons. What happens to drug babies, babies with AIDS, physically challenged babies, critically ill babies? While some are adopted, many are unadoptable and become part of the overburdened foster care system every year.


We do not need to address the issue of adoption versus abortions; we need to find a way to adopt children already born and in an overcrowded “system” because of age, race, and physical or mental challenges.


