
Litton Wins Contract for Navigation Systems

Litton Industries’ Guidance & Control Systems division in Woodland Hills said it has won a contract from the U.S. Navy to install navigation systems in F/A-18 and EA-6B aircraft.

The Navy has said it will pay $5.4 million to install 12 systems in these combat planes to test them. If all goes as planned, it will then buy more than 2,000 of the units over the next five years. The Pentagon also has options to buy an additional 1,600 units to install in other types of military aircraft and may eventually spend a total of $275 million on the program, the company said.

The navigation units are about the size of a shoe box and receive satellite signals to help guide planes. They are designed to complement the planes’ existing navigation systems.


Litton makes ships for the Navy as well as a variety of electronic equipment for navigation.
