
Surviving the Marathon

For most runners, Sunday’s Los Angeles Marathon will involve a series of small triumphs-from getting to the starting line on time to making it up the highest hill. Here is a reader’s guide to the 1995 race. *

Quick Facts Race Starts Bike tour start: 6:30 a.m. Wheelchair start: 8:15 a.m. Walker’s start: 8:25 Runners start: 8:40 a.m. Entries: About 19,000 Distance: 26.2 miles Course closure: Vehicles will be allowed back on the streets at 2:30 p.m. At this point, competitors must use sidewalks. Personnel will remain at finish line until 7 p.m. Late registration: No race- day registration. *

Quick Keys KKilometer Marks 5K-6th & Broadway 10K-Sunset & Bunker Hill 15K-Sunset & Lucile 20K-Hollywood & Ivar 25K-Rossmore & Rosewood 30K-Catalina & 7th 35K-Crenshaw & Washington 40k-Exposition & La Salle *


Mile Markers Water stations will be located at each mile marker. *

Entertainment Centers 1-San Pedro & 2nd 2-Olvera St. Cathedral Center 3-600 N. Broadway 4-Sunset & Alvarado 5-Sunset & Bates 6-Mann’s Chinese Theater 7-Catalina & 7th 8-Pico & Crenshaw 9-Crenshaw & Rodeo Road 10-Menio & Exposition *

First Aid There are nine medical stations along the course, staffed by medical personnel from Orthopaedic Hospital. *

Minor medical Miles: 6 1/4, 12,18, 22, 24 *

Major Medical

Miles: 10,15,20,26 *

Mile 7: Course’s highest point, at 450 feet. Mile 13.1: Mann’s Chinese Theater marks halfway point. Mile 20: Beware the “wall,” the pain and strain barrier. *


Reference Map Family and friends should watch the start of the race from the east side of Figueroa and north of Exposition. *

Getting To The Starting Line Eastbound or Westbound 10: To 110 south, exit Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, west on Martin Luther King, right on Hoover and into Sports Arena parking lot. *

Northbound or Southbound 110: Exit Martin Luther King, west on Martin Luther King, right on Hoover and into Sports Arena parking lot. *


From the Valley: Take the 5 or 101 to the southbound 110, exit Martin Luther King, west on Martin Luther King, right on Hoover and into Sports Arena parking lot. *

Parking Parking available at Coliseum for $6 or at USC for $8. Street parking will be prohibited along the course between 5:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Vehicles will be towed and cited. *

Water Water stations will be at every mile. Drink stations will be at every odd mile, starting at Mile 3. Ice stations will be at Miles 15, 17, 19 and 21. *

Can’t Finish? Racers who can’t finish should report to the nearest radio operator (every half mile) or aid station so that name and number can be relayed back to family reunion area. *

Prime Time shuttle vans will pick up runners between Miles 7 and 25. Metro buses will allow any marathon runner to travel free on normal bus lines. Show driver the bib number. *

A Look At The Racers (based on ’94 entrants) Male: 71% Female: 29% Number who entered in ‘94: 18,796 Number who finished: 14,966 Nations represented: 31 States represented: 48 (all except Nebraska and Mississippi)




17 and under: 947

18 - 29: 4,666

30 - 39: 6,338

40 - 49: 4,405

50 - 59: 1,859

60 - 69: 483

70 - 79: 79

80 and over: 12

no age given: 7



1. Students: 2052

2. Administrators/managers: 999

3. Teachers/educators: 636

4. Engineers: 595

5. Lawyers: 319

6. Accountants: 304

7. Sales people: 338

8. Business owners: 292

9. Physicians: 285

10. Retired: 226


Course Elevations Source: The City of Los Angeles Marathon 1995 , Media Guide Researched by CHRIS ERSKINE and FRED MUIR / Los Angeles Times
