
Language Stereotypes

Regarding the Multicultural Manners, “Why Expect a Latina to Speak Spanish?” (March 3): I’m a third-generation Californian of Mexican descent who didn’t have the pleasure of learning Spanish at a young age.

I took a year (of Spanish) in high school for the (language) requirement. As an adult, I saw the stereotyping as others asked if I spoke Spanish. In return, I would ask them, “Do you speak your native tongue?” Ninety-nine percent of the time they answered no. I’d reply, “Then why do you expect me to know my native tongue when it wasn’t taught to me?”

I finally decided in my 30s that I had the time to learn the language and am presently in my fourth semester of Spanish. Now I am asked, “Don’t you know the language yet?” I answer, “Well, how long did it take you to learn English as a child?”


Will I ever win? Si, que bueno!


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