
Day Runner Inc.: The Fullerton manufacturer of...

Day Runner Inc.: The Fullerton manufacturer of organizers and planners said profit for the third quarter of fiscal 1995 ended March 31 totaled $652,000, or 10 cents a share. That compares with net income of $1.2 million, or 19 cents a share, for the corresponding quarter a year ago, which included a gain of $718,000 from a litigation settlement. Sales increased 21% to $20.4 million from $16.8 million. Profit for the nine-month period was $6.1 million, or 96 cents a share, up 5% from the $5.8 million, or 94 cents a share, recorded for the first nine months of fiscal 1994. Sales rose 26% to $88.7 million from $70.6 million.
