
3rd-Quarter Hiring Up From Last Year

Compiled by Jack Searles

Third-quarter hiring plans of Ventura County employers are about on a par with the previous quarter but are considerably stronger than a year ago, a survey shows.

Twenty-six percent of the county’s larger employers plan to recruit more workers this summer while 10% expect layoffs, according to the study, which was conducted by Manpower Inc., a Milwaukee-based temporary-help agency. The remainder either expect no payroll changes or aren’t sure.

Three months ago, Manpower’s quarterly survey found that 23% of employers planned new hiring while none expected cutbacks. A year ago, only 9% expected increased payrolls and 6% planned layoffs.


Hiring prospects in the county this summer appear most promising in durable and non-durable goods manufacturing, transportation, public utilities, finance, insurance, real estate and public administration, Manpower spokeswoman Rachel Chavez said.

She said cutbacks are expected in wholesale trade, retailing and education.

“The outlook is down from three months ago, but at this same time last year the job picture was much weaker,” Chavez said.

Nationwide, the survey found that high levels of hiring will continue, but at a somewhat slower rate than in recent quarters.


A total of 28% of employers said they plan to add to their staffs while only 7% intend to cut back. The remainder expect no change or aren’t sure.
