
SANTA ANA : $35,000 in Computers Stolen at Gunpoint

Four robbers driving a yellow Ryder rental truck held employees of a computer manufacturing company at gunpoint Thursday and stole about $35,000 in equipment and parts, policesaid.

The robbers entered through the shipping area of Alpha Micro System at Sunflower Avenue and Harbor Boulevard about 4 p.m. Two employees were preparing to load boxed computers onto their shipping trucks when the robbers, some carrying shotguns, ordered them to the ground at gunpoint.

Meanwhile, two other robbers quickly stole packaged computers and components. The four fled less than five minutes later, employees said.


The men apparently had been casing the building over the past several days, employees and witnesses said.

“We had seen a suspicious black Bronco driving around in the back,” said John Glade, Alpha Micro’s vice president of engineering and manufacturing.

Authorities said Thursday evening that the men are still at large.
