
School Begins for Year-Round Pupils


Classes for the 1995-96 year begin today for about 18,500 students in the Santa Ana Unified School District who are on a year-round schedule, a district official said.

Students on year-round schedules attend school for 60 days followed by a 20-day vacation. Students are assigned to various cycles, with some returning to school Aug. 9. Those on the traditional schedule will return Sept. 11, said John Bennett, assistant superintendent for the elementary division.

The city now has 22 elementary schools and four intermediate schools on a year-round schedule: Adams, Carver, Diamond, Edison, Franklin, Fremont, Garfield, Heninger, Hoover, Jackson, Kennedy, Lincoln, Lowell, Madison, Martin, Monte Vista, Pio Pico, Roosevelt, Sepulveda, Walker, Washington and Wilson elementary schools; and Carr, Lathrop, Sierra and Spurgeon intermediate schools. All other schools are on a regular calendar, he said.


At time of registration, new students must present proof of age such as a baptism record or birth certificate. Proof of immunization for polio, measles, mumps and rubella is also required. Any student new to the district who will enter an Orange County school for the first time must also show proof of testing for tuberculosis, Bennett said.
