
Crying Foul Over Rodeo Coverage

* I object to your Sept. 18 article on the Simi Valley Days rodeo.

Why weren’t the 17 protesters interviewed in more depth as to what motivated them to stand out in the hot sun for hours holding signs proclaiming that rodeo is cruel to animals? Public consciousness needs to be raised about what goes on at these barbaric animal abuse spectacles. Has our society deteriorated to a level that inflicting violence on docile farm animals is promoted as “family entertainment”? Boycotting rodeo is one way I’ve chosen to try to combat this disturbing trend.

Wake up, Simi Valley residents. It is exactly this kind of spectacle that promulgates the widespread notion that we are a bunch of coarse, low-class rednecks. I suggest that we might begin to counter the negative image by not including rodeo in future Simi Valley Days celebrations. Instead, how about celebrating respect and kindness toward others, including other species?


Simi Valley
