
Poverty Series: Readers Respond

More than 150 readers called The Times and local anti-poverty agencies with offers of assistance after reading the five-day series “The Poor Among Us.” But a few others responded with angry letters and phone calls, saying they believe that many poor people, including some of those in the series, continue to abuse the system that is designed to help them. Story on B1


“I am writing with regard to the article . . . about the Cambodian immigrants on welfare in Orange County. I have a solution to their worries about welfare cutbacks: Get A Job!!!!

The woman you interviewed stated that she got “headaches” from English lessons, so she still speaks Cambodian only after living here and being on welfare since 1983.


. . . Here are two job suggestions which do not require mastery of the English language: agricultural worker (picking and planting); janitorial (cleaning homes and businesses).

Carol Matheis, Foothill Ranch


” . . . I am especially moved by the brave efforts of Drew Ingram and would appreciate you getting the enclosed check to her for assistance with her Thanksgiving meal. I’m a senior on a fixed income and would like to do more.”

Grace Fisher, Mission Viejo
