
Valleywide : City Urged to Support ZIP Code Legislation

Councilwoman Laura Chick proposed Tuesday that the city support pending federal legislation that would require the Postal Service to redraw ZIP code boundaries to match city-designated community boundaries.

“The city of Los Angeles is comprised of numerous distinct communities, each of which have established names and identities,” states Chick’s motion, which would be subject to council approval. “Yet there is a pervasive problem with the U. S. Postal Service and its unwillingness to recognize the city’s communities in its designation of Zip Code boundaries. . . . There are communities throughout the city, including Tarzana and Northridge, which may be recognized as another community by the U. S. Postal Service.”

Chick called on the City Council to support a congressional bill, H. R. 1592, that would require the postmaster general to observe city-drawn community zones.


Chick’s motion has not yet been scheduled for a hearing by the council’s Intergovernmental Relations Committee, according to committee legislative assistant Helen Ginsburg.
