
Jeffries Appointed to New Post of Treasurer

A former deputy treasurer for Los Angeles County has been appointed to the newly created position of Tustin city treasurer.

The City Council on Monday unanimously approved the appointment of George W. Jeffries after several months of study by the city’s Audit Committee.

Among other findings, the committee determined that separating some tasks previously performed by the Finance Department would strengthen the city’s investment portfolio, provide more accountability to the council and more oversight of cash transactions, according to reports.


The council chose Jeffries, a Tustin resident and founding member of the Audit Committee with nearly 40 years’ experience in finance, because of his impressive credentials, council members said.

“I’ve known George awhile, and what a lot of people don’t know is that he’s one of the most esteemed treasurers in the country,” Councilman Jeffery M. Thomas said. “We’re glad to have him aboard.”

Jeffries will be paid $3,200 a month in the full-time position, officials said.
