
Business Controls for Ventura Blvd. Delayed

The city Panning Commission recently delayed approval of proposed changes to the Ventura Boulevard Specific Plan that would restrict the number of drive-through restaurants and other businesses that can be established in Cahuenga Pass.

The city wants to limit the number of drive-through businesses, theaters, gas stations and hotels in the area because of traffic concerns in an already-congested area. The Specific Plan--the city’s blueprint for growth in the area--currently allows such businesses to be established without special city permission.

Neighbors, area City Council members and the city planning department want to rewrite the Specific Plan to give the city more power to decide which businesses will be allowed, with traffic considerations in mind.


Thursday, however, the Planning Commission, concerned about incorrect and confusing language in the proposed changes, asked the planning staff to return in a month with a revised version, according to Tom Henry, planning deputy for City Councilman Joel Wachs.

The proposed changes are known as an “interim control ordinance” because they will be in effect for one year pending approval of permanent changes to the Specific Plan.

Jeff Brain, chairman of a citizens panel overseeing the Specific Plan, said neighbors are concerned about the increasing number of fast-food restaurants in the area.


“The area was not intended to become fast-food row, which it is quickly becoming,” Brain said.
