
Waiting . . . Waiting for Low-Income Housing

How to Seek Housing Assistance

For the first time in five years, the Orange County Housing Authority is accepting applications for housing vouchers. The program covers rent assistance in all county cities and unincorporated areas except Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana, which have separate lists.


The head of the household must be at least 18 or legally emancipated (not a dependent of parents). Applicants may qualify for assistance if they and all household members (including minors):

* Have not been convicted of a drug-related or violent crime

* Are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants

* Don’t owe money to any housing authority

* Have not been removed from any rental assistance program for fraud

* Have a total gross annual income from all sources within the following amounts, corresponding to family size:


Family size Income limit 1 $21,450 2 24,500 3 27,600 4 30,650 5 33,100 6 35,550 7 38,000 8+ 40,450




* Only one application is allowed per family; more than one will cause denial of assistance

* Mail the application; no postage is required. Faxed applications will not be accepted

* Applications must be postmarked by March 15, 1996

* Applications are available at all city halls (except Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana) or at the housing authority building at 2043 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

* Positions on the waiting list will be determined by lottery rather than by the date the application is received and processed


Source: Orange County Housing Authority
