
Jean Maxwell; Helped Create Universities’ Social Work Schools

Jean Maxwell, 81, a professor who helped create the San Diego State University School of Social Work. A native of Minneapolis, Maxwell was educated at the University of Minnesota and Case Western Reserve. She became an authority on settlements and aging and in the 1940s worked with New York’s Neighborhood Centers and the National Federation of Settlements. She helped create the National Assn. of Social Workers and the Council of Social Work Education. In the 1950s she helped develop the New York School of Social Work within New York University. In 1963, she moved to San Diego to help set up San Diego State’s school. After 25 years as professor and associate dean, she retired in 1978. Maxwell was the author of 14 books, most notably “Centers for Older People, a Guide for Programs and Facilities” in 1962. She also helped develop programs for the National Council on Aging. On Feb. 22 in La Jolla.
