
Fuzzy Memories?

Jonathan Gold (Counter Intelligence, “Coyote Calls,” March 7) says El Coyote is 65 years old. I too am a native of Los Angeles. My family moved to the Beverly/Fairfax neighborhood in 1935. To the best of my recollection, the restaurant now known as El Coyote was then McDonnell’s Monterey and remained so for many years. This is not the first time that I have read that El Coyote is 65 years old.

Another oft-repeated story says that when Pink’s was opened in 1939 the intersection of Melrose and La Brea was unpaved. This comes as quite a surprise to the many of us who walked and rode our bicycles from Beverly/Fairfax to Bancroft Junior High past that intersection, which even then was a signal-controlled corner.


Los Angeles

We got our information on El Coyote from the restaurant, which is currently displaying a neon sign announcing its 65th anniversary, but we welcome clarifications from readers who may remember the first days of the historic Los Angeles restaurant.
