
Central Los Angeles : Echo Park Lake to Be Stocked With Fish for Tom Sawyer Day

One thousand pounds of live trout are scheduled to be dumped into the Echo Park lake for the third annual Becky Thatcher / Tom Sawyer Fishing Derby and Easter Egg Contest this weekend.

The event, sponsored by Concerned Citizens of Echo Park, Friends of Echo Park Lake, the Los Angeles Police Department’s Rampart Division and local merchants, is scheduled for Saturday at Echo Park and is free and open to the public.

Youngsters are encouraged to dress up as Becky Thatcher or Tom Sawyer--characters from the Mark Twain novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”--and adults are urged to wear Easter bonnets, said Luiza Mavropoulos, an organizer and member of the citizen’s group.


Fishing will start at 8 a.m. and other games, such as an Easter egg toss, will begin at 9 a.m., Mavropoulos said.
