
Disability Claims

As a member of the California Orthopedic Assn., I would like to thank Dr. William McMaster for his fine Op-Ed article (June 19). Many excellent points were raised, but there was an important omission. When he mentioned that there were two workers side by side, only one of whom developed a “repetitive stress injury,” he failed to mention a critical issue: 95% of what are described as continuous trauma claims are brought forward by a worker who has an attorney representing him.

So, the individual is disgruntled by a host of job problems, goes to see a workers’ compensation attorney, and is told the legal equivalent of “piece of cake.” The pain in (name the body part) is obviously due to the terrible conditions at work. There is no possibility that the pain might be due to arthritis, a sporting injury or automobile accident the week before, etc.

Some reforms were accomplished by the new law a few years ago, but there is much more to be done. Recently, I saw a patient who chose to remain on disability because he was making the exact amount of money collecting disability as he would have on the job.



Santa Barbara
