
Parks Should Sell Air Time for Ads

Re the Sept. 1 editorial, “The Beach, Brought to You By . . .”:

I wonder how many people like me think that it’s really disgusting that our parks are in such bad financial shape that they have to continually scrounge for funds. Now the Board of Supervisors is stooping to allow paid advertising on beach park trash cans, benches and lifeguard towers. Isn’t the proliferation of billboards enough?

And speaking of small planes towing signs, as a resident of Huntington Beach I’m sick and tired of the incessant drone of these planes towing advertising banners back and forth over the beach crowds. If the feds can ban flights over the Grand Canyon, why can’t we ban them over our parks?

If not, I suggest a fee of $10,000 a flight, a pittance considering the audio and visual blight that their in-your-face advertising forces on us. One can’t even hear the roar of the surf over the roar of these airplanes. How about also taxing those droning sky writers $5,000 a word for polluting our skies?



Huntington Beach
