
AIDS Quilt Displays Raise Awareness

The NAMES Project Ventura County was proud to be the sponsor of the AIDS Memorial Quilt display at Ventura’s Holiday Street Festival on Dec. 1, mentioned in your story, “Something for Everyone.” More than 100 individual panels were displayed on California Street to commemorate those people worldwide who have died from AIDS, estimated by the U.N. to exceed 6 million.

Displays of the AIDS Memorial Quilt help to raise public awareness of the AIDS epidemic. The NAMES Project Foundation maintains and displays the quilt--now numbering nearly 40,000 individual panels--and is dedicated to “remembering the names.” The Ventura County chapter contributes to these goals by assisting those making panels in this county, sponsoring displays and participating in educational efforts.

In our evening vigil that night, those gathered lit candles and named those they have lost to AIDS, specifically honoring the lives of Tom Dobbins, Kevin Montgomery and Dominick Parisi--Ventura County residents who died in 1996.


We are encouraged in our work and grateful to all those who made this possible.

LYN GESCH, Education Coordinator, NAMES Project Ventura County
