
Mexico Airport--It Now Computes

Mexico City’s Benito Juarez International Airport is getting more user-friendly with the addition of five automated information booths.

Travelers can use touch-screen computers to locate hotels in a particular budget range or area of the Mexican capital, then pick up a phone and make a reservation; the call is free. The booths also give information, in Spanish and English, on airport taxis, city tours, cultural events, museums and other sights, said airport spokeswoman Alina Gamboa. A total of 228 hotels, 1,436 monuments and 85 museums are included. Visitors also can dial Ticketmaster for tickets to events.

The booths, installed last month by the Ministry of Tourism, are designed to augment an airport staff that was “pretty much overwhelmed” by visitors’ questions, Gamboa said. Three of the booths are in the international arrivals area and two in domestic arrivals.
