
‘Lilies’ to Kick Off Canadian Film Series

“Borderlines: New Canadian Cinema,” a film series presented by the UCLA Film and Television Archive and Telefilm Canada, begins Jan. 9 at 7:30 p.m. with John Greyson’s award-winning film “Lilies” (1996).

Other notable films in the series include Magnus Isacsson’s documentary “Power” (1996), which will be screened at this month’s Sundance Film Festival, and Mort Ramsen’s “Margaret’s Museum,” which will be released in February and stars British actress Helena Bonham-Carter.

All films will show at UCLA’s Melnitz Theater, located at the northeast corner of the campus near Sunset Boulevard and Hilgard Avenue.


Tickets are $4 for UCLA students, senior citizens and members of Independent Film Project/West, and $6 for all others.

UCLA Film and Television Archive: (310) 206-FILM.
