
Obituaries - Jan. 10, 1997

Knerr, James Howard, 62, of Simi Valley, retired Simi Valley High School teacher. Pierce Brothers Griffin Mortuary, Thousand Oaks.

Marangoni, Marco, 29, of Thousand Oaks, owner of an air-conditioning and refrigeration business. Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Mortuary, Westlake Village.

Mathias, Mary A., 77, of Ventura, homemaker. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

Samelian, Richard A., 63, of Camarillo, psychiatric social worker at Camarillo State Hospital. Pierce Brothers Griffin Mortuary, Camarillo.


Schultz, Violet Mae, 76, of Thousand Oaks, homemaker. Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Mortuary, Westlake Village.

Ventura County obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. Obituaries are based on information provided by mortuaries.
