
State Wrong in Its Claim About DUI

Just recently, I received with my vehicle registration materials a piece of paper on which the state of California claims that a person of my weight cannot drive a vehicle safely after having had more than two drinks. This claim is false.

While I was a construction worker, after having done a good day’s work, I would think nothing of having three or four cold beers, sometimes even more, while driving home. I did this without incident well over 3,000 times.

I proved beyond every conceivable doubt that the state’s claim is false. I would suspect that more than half the population of Ventura County and more than half of the state’s “public servants,” at one time or another, have also proved the state’s claim regarding DUI to be false.


Why then does the state arrest, convict, and punish people who are perfectly capable of driving safely? I would propose that the state does so in order to include in its legal process the opportunity for sadistic cops, prosecutors and judges to push people around. This unjustly gives them some sort of sick sense of self-worth, while levying unjust fines so as to increase the contents of the coffers from which come their salaries and perks.

I propose that they are all children of the devil, that is, they are servants of “the majority,” a majority that has chosen to reject truth, logic and justice simply to have a stake in maliciously asserting superiority in power over others.

