
A Tip of the Hat to New Ball Team

I encourage all of us in South County to support our new minor league baseball team in Mission Viejo.

Let’s face it: With the Angels jacking up their prices and with the possibility of our other local team becoming the Charlotte Dodgers (with ultramarine, violet, and pewter uniforms), Saddleback College will become the only place where the average family can afford an enjoyable day at the ballpark.

Let’s remember that Southern California had three minor league ballclubs, Hollywood Stars, Los Angeles Angels, and the original San Diego Padres, that provided enjoyable and affordable family entertainment in friendly, intimate ballparks. These were teams that got involved with their communities and appreciated the fans who watched them.


Now that major league sports in general seems to be out of touch with what the public wants, it’s time to bring the minor leagues back. So, let’s welcome them. Go Mission Viejo!


Lake Forest
