
NOW Plans Vigil to Mark Date of Roe-Wade Decision


A candlelight vigil will be held in the traffic circle around this city’s downtown plaza later this month to mark the 24th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling that legalized abortion.

The North Orange County Chapter of the National Organization for Women will sponsor the ninth annual event, which will feature testimonials and a silent walk around the circle at Chapman Avenue and Glassell Street.

“This is being done in memory of women who died of illegal abortions . . . and to show that the struggle for reproductive rights still is ongoing,” said Annmarie Izuel Evans, a coordinator of the NOW chapter. “Even with the passage of Roe vs. Wade and abortion being legal, we still have accessibility problems. Some states still don’t have abortion clinics and others make it very hard to get abortions.”


Evans said the public is invited to attend the vigil Jan. 22. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a brief speech, a moment of silence and a walk to an alley near the former Satellite Market at the corner of Almond Avenue and Glassell Street. “The alley depicts the back alley abortions that took place years ago,” Evans said.

Testimonials will be presented in the alley and candles will be lit before people make two silent trips around the traffic circle holding signs espousing abortion rights.

“We will be raising awareness and saying that we will not go back to those dark times for women,” Evans said. “We want to keep abortion safe and legal.”


About 70 people are expected to participate. Opponents may show up in protest, Evans said, but she expects the event to be peaceful and without confrontation.
