
Council Schedules Annual Retreat

The City Council has decided to hold its annual retreat at Oxnard’s River Ridge Golf Course.

The retreat, which is open to the public, is scheduled Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.

At the retreat, council members plan to discuss several issues, including whether to renew City Manager Tom Frutchey’s contract.

“Hopefully we can talk about the direction we want the city to take,” Councilman John Zaragoza said. “Hopefully all of the council persons will be able to give management some direction.”


During Tuesday night’s meeting, council members were unable to decide the matter and opted to spend more time evaluating Frutchey’s four years in office, Zaragoza said.

Although the City Council was supposed to evaluate Frutchey’s job performance yearly, that was not done during his tenure. The council could offer no explanation.
